All Songs,
Written, Produced and Preformed by,
Chello Dachance,
Provided by
Dachance Music Publishing (DMP).
Copyright 2019, ASCAP 2019....
Except Featured guests on tracks labeled #.
Outstanding collaborations, from Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Argentina, Mexico, Thank you,,,,,,
#Change Da Track, Solo Guitar: Il Jevi, Planet Music Productions, #Everlasting Love, Drums: Giovan Olachera Estrada, Cabo San Lucas, Chaplin FA, Green Sugar RS, Vocals: Tamara Fanta, Ponirecords, Diego Ruis. Dachance Virtual Studio, Capilla Del Monte, #Time’s Wasting, Guitar: Roy, Planet Music Productions. Photo by Hector Geronimo.
Album inspired by Luna and Bianca my two daughters who said to me in my time of doubt,
"Don't ever stop what you are doing daddy, we love you", these spoken words echo in all I do, I am so grateful, and blessed.
This album and all my music would not be posible without so many people who have supported and believe in me, I thank you all in no particular order..
Mom forever my biggest fan, Tia Jenny, sister Jacqueline, cousin Sergio, Jessica and family, Lynzie (life coach), John Denny, John Valan, Uailjog brotherhood, Ale and Nico (El Patio), Pollo, Mirco, Vanesa, Izzy Rock, Newman, Fabian M, Diego C, Diego Jinkus, Hector Geronimo, El Vampiro, Jorge V, Kike, Amy L, AlStars, Don E Osborne, Pablo Landi, Jeff and Margarita, Joan, Marina, Fabio Napp, Pablo M, Martin R, El Chino
1. Anything Thats's Right
2. Change Da Track
3. Everlasting Love
4. If Only You Can
5. Heaven Help Me
6. She's Gonna Break
7. Sunshine In The City
8. That Guy
9. Transform
10. Time's Wasting
11. The Shape Of My Life
12. Your Love
All Songs,
Written, Produced and Preformed by,
Chello Dachance,
Provided by
Dachance Music Publishing (DMP)..
Except Featured guests on tracks labeled #.
Outstanding collaborations, from Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Argentina, Mexico, Thank you,,,,,,
#Change Da Track, Solo Guitar: Il Jevi, Planet Music Productions, #Everlasting Love, Drums: Giovan Olachera Estrada, Cabo San Lucas, Chaplin FA, Green Sugar RS, Vocals: Tamara Fanta, Ponirecords, Diego Ruis. Dachance Virtual Studio, Capilla Del Monte, #Time’s Wasting, Guitar: Roy, Planet Music Productions. Photo by Hector Geronimo.
Album inspired by Luna and Bianca my two daughters who said to me in my time of doubt, "Don't ever stop what you are doing daddy, we love you", these spoken words echo in all I do.
Copyright 2019, ASCAP 2019....