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Chello Dachance  

Bio– Music - Career - Passion - Beliefs - Goals..


 Chello Dachance is an accomplished singer/songwriter, producer, and dancer whose passion for musical storytelling began during his teenage years. Embarking upon his creative career in the heart of New York City in the 90s, he ultimately started touring across the globe, from Argentina to Europe, Mexico to Australia. Widely known for his eclectic, diverse approach, his musical style showcases a seamless crossover of Indi, Soulful, Pop, and Funk with Spanish undertones and direct influences from music legends.


 Chello is currently based in between Buenos Aires and Los Angeles, California,  where he soliciting his song catalog for publishing and licensing.  He continues to develop, express and share his music, reaching out to more people and expanding the ever-growing fan base through several social media platforms. 


I love being a Dad, and close to my daughters working every day to make that happen. I like to play, write, record, and produce music with fellow musicians. I enjoy having those moments when I can just ponder an idea and walk on sand barefoot.  I make people laugh and get a satisfaction out of making see people happy. I am most uneasy in crowds unless I’m entertaining them, kind of a dark secret of mine. I love to cook, and be with family, friends. I am grateful most of the time for all I have and all that is coming my way.


My sense of empathy for the world we live on, and the maintenance of our planet so to speak, is strong. I am very sensitive to the destruction, war, racism, and the slew of harmful human activity that affect most lives on earth. I feel the need to give back in addition to music with faith, vision and a sense of optimism and enthusiasm for life.


I dream that I can make a difference with my songs. 


I believe like so many that music really is an avenue to a higher ground, and can truly transform lives, guide us to our personal mission. 

Be part of Da meaning, Da truth, and Da music with Dachance.


If you took the time to read all of this and would like to support.

Thank you,

Chello Dachance




Chello Dachance

Musico / Compositor / Productor


Nacido en Bueno Aires Argentina, Des de un año se creció en New York City, Tocando profesionalmente des de los 18 de gira con una banda de Reggae, Funk, Hip Hop des de los 90’s.


Ha tocado con bandas Como:

Average White Band, Run DMC, Blues Traveler, Spin Doctors, La Neta (Mexico).



Europa, Sur America, Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil, Sydney, Australia, y Bali.

USA ( New York, Connecticut, Road Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, California)

Mexico (Puerto Vallarta, Sayulita)


Chello arma su banda Dachance en todo los lugares que el vive. Dachance trabajo como banda de la casa de el Hard Rock Cafe Buenos Aires, por 2 años 5 noches por semana. Shows en Buenos Aires incluye:

Bueno Aires News, La Trastienda, y mas.


Presentaciones en el programa de TV Nacional en Buenos Aires Argentina, “EL PUNTO” en el año 2000 por un año.

Chello era el cantante de la “La Neta” en Puerto Vallarta en Señor Frogs, 2002-2003, tocando 6 noches por semana.


Chello era bailarín por 2 años en un programa llamado “Club MTV” en los 90’s.


En Los Ángeles presentó su música original en el “Whisky A Go Go” y Dj en el “SUNSET” Malibu.

Buenos Aires Argentina 2000.JPG
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